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I Chroma Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) – 25 Test Pack

  • Sample Types

    plasma, serum

  • Reaction Time

    12 mins

  • Detection Range

    ichroma AMH: 0.02 – 15 ng/mL
    AFIAS AMH: 0.02 – 10 ng/mL

  • Indication

    Assessment of ovarian reserve, Diagnosis of ovarian dysfunction such as POI and PCOS, Menopause prediction, Response prediction to controlled ovarian stimulation

17,500.00 20,000.00

*This kit can be testable only with I chroma reader, Not for the manual test. 

*It is only for the professionals and not for the public use. misuse of this kit can give wrong results.

Evaluating ovarian function & predicting controlled ovarian hyperstimulation

AMH levels help predict the remaining egg reserve. This can tell a lot about the reproductive issues, including the onset of menopause, amenorrhea, and polycystic ovary syndrome. This test also tells the expected response to controlled ovarian hyperstimulation to achieve pregnancy in IVF.

